研究業績 2001 
 Original Paper
High sensitivity of Nrf2 knockout mice to acetoaminophen hepatotoxicity associated with decreased expression of ARE-regulated drug metabolizing enzyme and antioxidant genes. 
Enomoto, A., Itoh, K., Nagayoshi, E., Haruta, J., Kimura, T., OユConnor, T., Harada, T. and Yamamoto, M.
Toxicol. Sci.   59, 169-177  (2001)
Stimulation of GATA-2 as a mechanism of hydrogen peroxide suppression in hypoxia-induced erythropoietin gene expression. 
Tabata, M., Tarumoto, T., Ohmine, K., Furukawa, Y., Hatake, K., Ozawa, K., Hasegawa, Y., Mukai, H., Yamamoto, M. and Imagawa, S.
J. Cell. Physiol.   186, 260-267  (2001)
Sensitivity to carcinogenesis is increased and chemoprotective efficacy of enzyme inducers is lost in nrf2 transcription factor-deficient mice. 
Ramos-Gomez, M., Kwak, M-K., Dolan, P. M., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M., Talalay, P. and Kensler, T. W.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA   98, 3410-3415  (2001)
Role of Transcription factor Nrf2 in the induction of hepatic phase 2 and antioxidative enzymes in vivo by the cancer chemopreventive agent, 3H-1, 2-dithiole-3-thione. 
Kwak, M-K., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M., Sutter, T. R. and Kensler, T. W.
Mol. Med.   7, 135-145  (2001)
Transcription factor BACH1 is recruited to nucleus by its novel alternative spliced isoform expressed in testis. 
Kanezaki, R., Toki, T., Yokoyama, M., Yomogida, K., Sugiyama, K., Yamamoto, M., Igarashi, K. and Ito, E.
J. Biol. Chem.   276, 7278-7284  (2001)
The homeobox protein Six3 interacts with the Groucho corepressor and acts as a transcriptional repressor in eye and forebrain formation. 
Kobayashi, M., Nishikawa, K., Suzuki, T. and Yamamoto, M.
Dev. Biol.   232, 315-326  (2001)
Defective development of secretary neurons in the hypothalamus of Arnt2-knockout mice. 
Hosoya, T., Oda, Y., Takahashi, S., Morita, M., Kawauchi, S., Ema, M., Yamamoto, M. and Fujii-Kuriyama, Y.
Genes Cells   6, 361-374  (2001)
Function of GATA transcription factors in the induction of endothelial VCAM-1 by TNF-a. 
Umetani, M., Mataki, C., Minegishi, N., Yamamoto, M., Hamakubo, T., and Kodama, T.
Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol.   21, 917-922  (2001)
Hematopoietic regulatory domain of gata1 gene is positively regulated by GATA1 protein in zebrafish embryos. 
Kobayashi, M., Nishikawa, K. and Yamamoto, M.
Development   128, 2341-2350  (2001)
Accelerated DNA adducts formation in the lung of the Nrf2 knockout mouse exposed to diesel exhaust. 
Aoki, Y., Sato, H., Nishimura, N., Takahashi, S., Itoh, K. and Yamamoto, M.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.   173, 154-160  (2001)
Hemin-induced activation of the Thioredoxin gene by Nrf2: a differential regulation of the antioxidant responsive element (ARE) by switch of its binding factors. 
Kim, Y-C., Masutani, H., Yamaguchi, Y., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M. and Yodoi, J.
J. Biol. Chem.   276, 18399-18406  (2001)
Heme mediates de-repression of Maf recognition element through direct binding to transcription factor Bach1. 
Ogawa, K., Sun, J.Y., Taketani, S., Nakajima, O., Nishitani, C., Sassa, S., Hayashi, N., Yamamoto, M., Shibahara, S., Fujita, H. and Igarashi, K.
EMBO J.   20, 2835-2843  (2001)
Nrf2 deficient mouse: a novel model for lupus nephritis. 
Yoh, K., Itoh, K., Enomoto, A., Hirayama, A., Yamaguchi, N., Kobayashi, M., Morito, N., Koyama, A., Yamamoto, M. and Takahashi, S.
Kidney Int.   60, 1343-1353  (2001)
Two domains of Nrf2 cooperatively bind CBP (CREB binding protein) and synergistically activate transcription. 
Katoh, Y., Itoh, K., Yoshida, E., Miyagishi, M., Fukamizu, A. and Yamamoto, M.
Genes Cells   6, 857-868  (2001)
In vivo requirements for functional GATA-1 domains during primitive and definitive erythropoiesis. 
Shimizu, R., Takahashi, S., Ohneda, K., Engel, J. D. and Yamamoto, M.
EMBO J.   20, 5250-5260  (2001)
The promoter of mouse transcription repressor bach1 is regulated by Sp1 and transactivated by Bach1. 
Sun, J., Muto, A., Hoshino, H., Kobayashi, A., Nishimura, S., Yamamoto, M., Hayashi, N., Ito, E. and Igarashi, K.
J. Biochem.   130, 385-392  (2001)
The Cap' n' Collar basic leucine zipper transcription factor Nrf2 controls both constitutive and inducible expression of intestinal detoxification and glutathione biosynthetic enzymes. 
McMahon, M., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M., Chanas, S. A., Henderson, C. J., McLellan, L. I., Wolf, C. R., Cavin, C. and Hayes, J. D.
Cancer Res.   61, 3299-3307  (2001)
Levels of vascular endothelial growth factor are elevated in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. 
Imagawa, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Higuchi, M., Neichi, T., Hasegawa, Y., Mukai, H. Y., Suzuki, N., Yamamoto, M. and Nagasawa, T.
Blood   98, 1255-1257  (2001)
Role of phase 2 enzyme induction in chemoprotection by dithiolethiones. 
Kwak, M.K., Egner, P.A., Dolan, P.M., Ramos-Gomez, M., Groopman, J.D., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M. and Kensler, T.W.
Mutat. Res.   480-481, 305-315  (2001)
Stepwise divergence of primitive and definitive hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages. 
Fujimoto, T., Ogawa, M., Minegishi, N., Yamamoto, M. and Nishikawa, S-i.
Genes Cells   6, 1113-1127  (2001)
Transgenic overexpression of MafK suppresses T cell proliferation and function in vivo. 
Yoh, K., Sugawara, T., Motohashi, H., Takahama, Y., Koyama, A., Yamamoto, M. and Takahashi, S.
Genes Cells   6, 1055-1066  (2001)
Role of transcription factor Nrf2 in the induction of hepatic phase 2 and antioxidative enzymes in vivo by the cancer chemoprotective agent, 3H-1, 2-dimethiole-3-thione. 
Kwak, M.K., Itoh, K., Yamamoto, M., Sutter, T.R., Kensler, T.W.
Mol. Med.   7, Mol. Med. 7, 135-145  (2001)

医学の歩み   別冊「酸化ストレス - フリーラジカル医学生物学の最前線」, 25-28  (2001)
新臨床医のための分子医学シリーズ   「造血幹細胞研究のいまと臨床応用」(中内啓光編;羊土社), 103-113  (2001)
シリーズ・バイオサイエンスの新世紀   1「遺伝子の構造と機能」(山本雅之 編,日本生化学会編集), 161-174  (2001)
医学の歩み   196, 229-230  (2001)
臨床血液   42, 233-236  (2001)
血液フロンティア   11, 39-46  (2001)
学術振興会レドックス生命科学第170委員会   第4回研究会資料, 8-11  (2001)
医学の歩み   199, 1057-1062  (2001)
