Publications 2019 
 Original Paper
Nrf2 represses the onset of type 1 diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice. 
Yagishita Y, Uruno A, Chartoumpekis DV, Kensler TW, Yamamoto M.
J Endocrinol.     (2019)
Generation and Molecular Characterization of Human Ring Sideroblasts: a Key Role of Ferrous Iron in Terminal Erythroid Differentiation and Ring Sideroblast Formation. 
Saito K, Fujiwara T, Hatta S, Morita M, Ono K, Suzuki C, Fukuhara N, Onishi Y, Nakamura Y, Kawamata S, Shimizu R, Yamamoto M, Harigae H.
Mol Cell Biol.   39, pii: e00387-18.  (2019)
Nrf2 Suppresses Allergic Lung Inflammation by Attenuating the Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Response. 
Nagashima R, Kosai H, Masuo M, Izumiyama K, Noshikawaji T, Morimoto M, Kumaki S, Miyazaki Y, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Tanaka N.
J Immunol.   202, 1331-1339  (2019)
GATA2 hypomorphism induces chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in mice. 
Harada N, Hasegawa A, Hirano I, Yamamoto M, Shimizu R.
Cancer Sci.   110, 1183-1193  (2019)
Nrf2 deficiency aggravates the increase in osteoclastogenesis and bone loss induced by inorganic arsenic. 
Liu Z, Hou Y, Li L, Yang Y, Jia J, Hong Z, Li T, Xu Y, Fu J, Sun Y, Yamamoto M, Wang H, Pi J.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.   367, 62-70  (2019)
Sulforaphane enriched transcriptome of lung mitochondrial energy metabolism and provided pulmonary injury protection via Nrf2 in mice. 
Cho HY, Miller-DeGraff L, Blankenship-Paris T, Wang X, Bell DA, Lih F, Deterding L, Panduri V, Morgan DL, Yamamoto M, Reddy AJ, Talalay P, Kleeberger SR.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.   364, 29-44  (2019)
Nrf2 Activation Ameliorates Hepatotoxicity Induced by a Heme Synthesis Inhibitor. 
Taguchi K, Masui S, Itoh T, Miyajima A, Yamamoto M.
Toxicol Sci.   167, 227-238  (2019)
Nrf2 activation in myeloid cells and endothelial cells differentially mitigates sickle cell disease pathology in mice. 
Keleku-Lukwete N, Suzuki M, Panda H, Otsuki A, Katsuoka F, Saito R, Saigusa D, Uruno A, Yamamoto M.
Blood Adv   3, 1285-1297  (2019)
Spiral ganglion cell degeneration-induced deafness as a consequence of reduced GATA factor activity. 
Hoshino T, Terunuma T, Takai J, Uemura S, Nakamura Y, Hamada M, Takahashi S, Yamamoto M, Engel JD, Moriguchi T.
Genes Cells.   24, 534-545  (2019)
Identification of Celastramycin as a Novel Therapeutic Agent for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension-High-throughput Screening of 5,562 Compounds. 
Kurosawa R, Satoh K, Kikuchi N, Kikuchi H, Saigusa D, Al-Mamun EA, Siddique MAH, Omura J, Satoh T, Sunamura S, Nogi M, Numano K, Miyata S, Uruno A, Kano K, Matsumoto Y, Doi T, Aoki J, Oshima Y, Yamamoto M, Shimokawa H.
Circ Res.   125, 309-327  (2019)
Estimating carrier frequencies of newborn screening disorders using a whole-genome reference panel of 3552 Japanese individuals. 
Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Yasuda J, Uruno A, Shimokawa K, Koshiba S, Suzuki Y, Fuse N, Kawame H, Tadaka S, Nagasaki M, Kojima K, Katsuoka F, Kumada K, Tanabe O, Tamiya G, Yaegashi N, Kinoshita K, Yamamoto M, Kure S; Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Study Group.
Hum Genet.   138, 389-409  (2019)
Molecular Mechanism of Cellular Oxidative Stress Sensing by Keap1. 
Suzuki T, Muramatsu A, Saito R, Iso T, Shibata T, Kuwata K, Kawaguchi SI, Iwawaki T, Adachi S, Suda H, Morita M, Uchida K, Baird L, Yamamoto M.
Cell Rep.   28, 746-758  (2019)
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Directly Regulates Artemin Gene Expression. 
Edamitsu T, Taguchi K, Kobayashi EH, Okuyama R, Yamamoto M.
Mol Cell Biol.   39, pii: MCB.00190-19.  (2019)
An immortalized cell line derived from renal erythropoietin-producing (REP) cells demonstrates their potential to transform into myofibroblasts. 
Sato K, Hirano I, Sekine H, Miyauchi K, Nakai T, Kato K, Ito S, Yamamoto M, Suzuki N.
Sci Rep.   9, 11254  (2019)
Dietary supplementation with sulforaphane attenuates liver damage and heme overload in a sickle cell disease murine model. 
Panda H, Keleku-Lukwete N, Kuga A, Fuke N, Suganuma H, Suzuki M, Yamamoto M.
Exp Hematol.   77, 51-60  (2019)
Bardoxolone methyl analog attenuates proteinuria-induced tubular damage by modulating mitochondrial function. 
Nagasu H, Sogawa Y, Kidokoro K, Itano S, Yamamoto T, Satoh M, Sasaki T, Suzuki T, Yamamoto M, Wigley WC, Proksch JW, Meyer CJ, Kashihara N.
FASEB J.   33, 12253-12263  (2019)
GATA2 and PU.1 collaborate to activate the expression of the mouse Ms4a2 gene encoding FcϵRIβ through distinct mechanisms. 
Ohmori S, Ishijima Y, Numata S, Takahashi M, Sekita M, Sato T, Chugun K, Yamamoto M, Ohneda K.
Mol Cell Biol.   39, pii: MCB.00314-19.  (2019)
Mouse Tryptase Gene Expression is Coordinately Regulated by GATA1 and GATA2 in Bone Marrow-Derived Mast Cells. 
Ohneda K, Ohmori S, Yamamoto M.
Int J Mol Sci.   20, pii: E4603.  (2019)
Direct and Specific Functional Evaluation of the Nrf2 and MafG Heterodimer by Introducing a Tethered Dimer into Small Maf-Deficient Cells. 
Katsuoka F, Otsuki A, Takahashi M, Ito S, Yamamoto M.
Mol Cell Biol.   39, pii: e00273-19.  (2019)
Lipopolysaccharide-induced expansion of histidine decarboxylase-expressing Ly6G+ myeloid cells identified by exploiting histidine decarboxylase BAC-GFP transgenic mice. 
Takai J, Ohtsu H, Sato A, Uemura S, Fujimura T, Yamamoto M, Moriguchi T.
Sci Rep.   9, 15603  (2019)


 日本語著書 (Publications in Japanese)
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌   56, 159-162  (2019)
