| Impacts of NRF2 Activation in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines on Extracellular Metabolites | | Saigusa D, Motoike IN, Saito S, Zorzi M, Aoki Y, Kitamura H, Suzuki M, Katsuoka F, Ishii H, Kinoshita K, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M | Cancer Sci.   111, 667-678  (2020) | | |
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| Nrf2 Suppresses Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in App Knock-in Alzheimer's Disease Model Mice | | Uruno A, Matsumaru D, Ryoke R, Saito T, Kadoguchi S, Saigusa D, Saito T, Saido TC, Kawashima R, Yamamoto M | Mol Cell Biol   40, e00467-19  (2020) | 宇留野晃准教授の論文です | |
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| Ribosome Binding Protein GCN1 Regulates the Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation and Is Essential for the Embryonic Development of Mice | | Yamazaki H, Kasai S, Mimura J, Ye P, Inose-Maruyama A, Tanji K, Wakabayashi K, Mizuno S, Sugiyama F, Takahashi S, Sato T, Ozaki T, Cavener DR, Yamamoto M, Itoh K | PLoS Genet   16, e1008693  (2020) | | |
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| Nrf2 contributes to the weight gain of mice during space travel | | Suzuki T, Uruno A, Yumoto A, Taguchi K, Suzuki M, Harada N, Ryoke R, Naganuma E, Osanai N, Goto A, Suda H, Browne R, Otsuki A, Katsuoka F, Zorzi M, Yamazaki T, Saigusa D, Koshiba S, Nakamura T, Fukumoto S, Ikehata H, Nishikawa K, Suzuki N, Hirano I, Shimizu R, Oishi T, Motohashi H, Tsubouchi H, Okada R, Kudo T, Shimomura M, Kensler TW, Mizuno H, Shirakawa M, Takahashi S, Shiba D, Yamamoto M. | Commun Biol.   3, 496  (2020) | Nrf2欠失マウスの宇宙滞在生存帰還実験の論文です | |
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| Enhancer remodeling promotes tumor-initiating activity in NRF2-activated non-small cell lung cancers | | Okazaki K, Anzawa H, Liu Z, Ota N, Kitamura H, Onodera Y, Alam MM, Matsumaru D, Suzuki T, Katsuoka F, Tadaka S, Motoike I, Watanabe M, Hayasaka K, Sakurada A, Okada Y, Yamamoto M, Suzuki T, Kinoshita K, Sekine H, Motohashi H. | Nat Commun.   11, 5911  (2020) | | |
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